Allanton Sanctuary Awakin Circle - Wed 17th Jan, 7-8pm

Allanton Sanctuary Awakin Circle - Wed 17th Jan, 7-8pm


Allanton Sanctuary Awakin Circle

The third Wednesday of the month, from 7 – 8.10pm (with refreshments offered afterwards for in-person participants).

Awakin Circle is an initiative of

In living rooms around the world, people come together to sit in silence and share some inspirational moments

In living rooms around the world, people come together to sit in silence f, share some inspirational moments , and often have a light meal or refreshments afterward. No teachers, no agendas. Circles are all volunteer-run and independently organized, with a simple wish for greater awakening of awareness and compassion, in kinship and community with one another. That’s Awakin. 

The format of the gathering will be as follows:

7:00pm   Gentle stretch and attention to the breath

7.15pm  Sitting in collective silence for 10 – 15 minutes.  (This may extend if appropriate).  This is unguided, without any instructions or music. For first-timers, this primer on meditation may be helpful.

7:30pm   A short reading, followed by a circle of sharing reflections on the themes and values raised in this passage.

8:10pm   A minute of silence before saying our goodbyes.

8.10 – 8.30pm Tea and biscuits for in-person participants

If you are interested, please watch this space for details on how to register.

Infinite gratitude
May Peace Prevail on Earth

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