4. Garden of Abundance

Gratitude to Nature

This special walled garden is a wonderful place to immerse yourself in the abundance, within us and around us, and the fruitful beauty of nature.  This space is for offering silent or quiet prayers of gratitude to the Earth and the natural environment.

True gratitude is when we can acknowledge, respect and give thanks to the value of the existence of every aspect of the Earth, recognising that each one of us is also part of this miraculous ecosystem.  By practising gratitude, we are able to elevate ourselves from the lack mindset to the have mindset.  Science has proven that people who regularly practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.  As we speak or think in gratitude, harmonious energy will permeate our existence and spread to everything in our environment.

Take a moment to appreciate the beauty in this garden and then think of all the things you are grateful for in your life, small or big.  Then extend your gratitude towards any of the following aspects of nature: The Earth, the Oceans, the Mountains, Food, the Physical Body, Water, Plants, Animals, Minerals, the Weather, the Air, the Sun, Microbes, and any other aspect that speaks to you.


Find something in the garden that you like.  Sit quietly and look at it.  Look at all the special shapes, colours and smells.  Notice how unique it is, how beautiful and magical it is.  You could draw a picture or thank the flower, butterfly, etc. for being part of nature and for making this Earth so colourful and beautiful.

Please keep the gate closed.

Help us protect the produce from the rabbits.


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