1. Fire of Purification

Letting go of the past

This is a dedicated space where you can quiet the mind in order to identify and write down any thoughts that are random, disturbing or potentially causing you anxiety.  These identified thoughts can be purified by writing them down and burning them.

What we create in our lives comes from our present state of consciousness, and to create a positive future we first need to let go of past patterns that have contributed towards our present life experience. 

Sit quietly, take three deep and full breaths to bring you to the present moment.  When you are ready, write down anything that comes into your mind - negative or positive.  As your mind clears, become aware of anything that is detrimental to your well being.  This could be an experience, a relationship, your present situation etc.  In order to let go of what no longer serves you, write this down, and when you feel you have written enough, offer the writings to the fire for purification and new beginnings.  

As you put the paper in the fire, say aloud (or to yourself), the following declaration, or choose the parts that resonate with you most.  Repeat as necessary.


Whatever may arise from the past, I let go of the past.

Through this decision, I have no past. There is only this present moment. 

I am the Creator of my life and it’s up to me to choose.

I have the power to decide. 

I stop empowering my past.

As a Creator, I have infinite possibilities and potential.

From this moment on, I stop attaching myself to the past.

From now on, I shine the light of my sacred essence. 

I hold only infinite love for myself.

We give power only to this divine self, creating a sacred future for the self and humanity.


Draw a picture or write a story about something that is bothering you at the moment.  Throw this into the Fire, and say… 

Goodbye worries. I choose to be happy. 

And imagine your own special angel who loves you very much is taking care of everything. 


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